This Island Earth

(256) (Winner of the Teledildonic Propellant prize)

Very amusing movie. Yea, amusing. A much better plan than “Plan 9 from outer space”. Also, very stylish movie, the colors were nice, the devices were state-of-the-art, with art really meaning art. From this movie we learn that comets become planets and planets become suns, and the rest that Capellyana said but I did not write down. The important thing is that we can use radiation to send and receive picture and sound with radiation. The devices need to, of course, have a nice triangular screen and stylishly arranged set of LEDs.

Shmentina: I definitely recommend this movie. It is very tele, it can be dildonics, so I suggest the Teledildonics prize.

The cards say:
256, because I remove 9 points for the magnetic holders, which I did not get

Capellyana: I recommend this movie a 100%, no questions asked.