The Castle of Fu Manchu

(8.5/10 + holder of the Honourable Reprehension "Bosphorous £1 Fish")


I found this movie really interesting and enjoyable, actually.

The engagement level did it for me. The whole movie is one big puzzle, trying to make you place it in space and time. My extensive investigation leads me to believe that the movie’s events are placed somewhere between 1910 and 1925, and definitely on one side of the Bosphorus.

Fu Manchu is an evil super-villian who lives in Park Guell at some point at the beginning of the 20th century. I think Fu Manchu is just a guy who came into some money and power and decided to use it for science. He is a patron of the sciences and more interested in the process than the results of his evil plans, therefore it doesn’t matter what his demands to global leaders are. He just wants to discover more ridiculous ways to control stuff, things, and people, he doesn’t really care about what he’s going to do with said power (other than advance his evil science further, of course). He builds secret laboratories in his basement, gathers the worlds’ best minds, and finances heart transplants. And his other thing is that he really likes to present the results of his experiments. He was just constantly finding ways to demonstrate what he can do with water.

He also has pretty good taste, as evidenced by his choice of headquarters and his cool sneakers.

We do of course have a solid base of geographical and historical mistakes with national stereotypes as the icing, and everybody is very interested in finding Tesco Value James Bond.

So the movie really was English!

Fun: 8/10
Comments: 9/10
Overall: 8.5/10


Of course it was. They just learned one fact about geography and they were exctatic with themselves. They heard that there’s a place called the Bosphorus, and they had to use it!

The movie was booooooring. I really disagree with Capellyana’s making-stuff-up to explain the movie again. Manos had more of a chance of a coherent plot than this.

The thing I really don’t understand is, how can this movie be related to 1 pound fish AND Takeshi’s castle?! 1 pound fish + Takeshi’s castle at the same place, and it doesn’t make any sense! And on top of that it had the Auslander vibe, cause they have no clue where they are, but they keep explaining how they’re at the Bosphorus. Nevermind. Very very good, one pound fish.

Also, Fu Manchu predicted global warming. Maybe we need him now.

I have to admit this was a nice idea: controlling people to control water to control people is a good combination. I’m not sure that I needed that many demonstrations of the power of water though.

What horrible grades should I give it?

1 pound fish, 6 for 5 pound 1 pound each. Fish swims in water, water is important, I don’t know.

The score I will give it is: Bosphorus one pound fish. This is not a distinciton, this is a reprehension. With honours. An honourable reprehension.

We talked about that!