Starship Troopers


We’ve been watching too many good movies on Stupid Movie Nights. We’re going to get complacent. We have to hunt for the worst movie ever next time, just to balance out all the awesomeness of this one.
Yeah. We can watch Lord of the Rings.
The Two Towers - The less entertaining version of Starship Troopers. Except it doesn’t have any of the finesse of the commentary on war, propaganda, and society in general that Starship Troopers has. At least to me it doesn’t.

There’s no point of going too deep into the literature analysis. This is exactly what the situation is as we know it on Earth today. You’d hear the propaganda on social media - come fight some bugs on a foreign planet. They’re probably dumb. People claim they don’t like the Daleks, but we’re exactly like them: EXTERMINATE. Then we find the one intelligent bug and we cripple it for life, when in fact, it’s doing exactly what we’re doing - on its own planet - being a queen. In conclusion: better be safe than sorry, don’t let us on your planet. Seriously.
And all the while, the movie is extremely amusing as well. Apart from the fact that the special effects are well beyond what we’re used to on this PROGRAMME…
In 97. No goo was spared in this movie. It was realistically disgusting.
And there’s a whole franchise which we can now enjoy as stupid movies, cause there’s no way they’re gonna be as good as this one. I’m very excited to watch Starship Troopers 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Yes, those will be truly stupid movies, so good job.
True stupid. Not chaotic stupid or lawful stupid, true stupid. Which would be a good framework for defining stupid movies, actually.
Good talk.

Analog dumbometer: -18 / +187. It’s a good movie, so the total is 205.
Digital dumbometer: 65
Total score: 205+65 = 270