
By 2050 we will be sending a mission to populate another celestial body.
Quantum computing will already be an inside joke between crew members on the ship, and the viewers wouldn't be allowed in on the joke.
My cards tell me that we will not achieve the mission. I disagree with that message, and the rest I do not understand.

This may just be my affliction speaking after being subjected to this movie, but I'm pretty certain that "Space" is the most boring movie I have ever witnessed in my life.
It is the definition of "dude, you're so deep I can't even see you anymore". This is what happens when art graduates get stuck in lockdown. They get ideas, they execute them, and the whole world has to suffer.
Clearly I am not artistic enough to understand it, much less appreciate it. What I did gather though was the most important moral of the story: you never take a woman on a spaceship. Unless she's there to repopulate/populate planet X.
Oh, and the whole thing is a metaphor for COVID.

The movie functions like dwarfic bread in the Terry Pratchett universe. Its existence reminds you of how many more interesting things there are that you can eat, for instance, your foot.

And, how could we forget, the mission is an experiment on loneliness in space. And the conclusion is: yes, space is lonely.

Recommended? No. It only gives you false expectations that spaceships are equipped with dildos.

Recommended? No. Even if you hate yourself, no.

Analog dumbometer:
+0 / -87 for a total of 87