Prey of the Jaguar

(Winner of the "Human Barbecue" prize and the "Half inch silver flask" award)

And what did we learn today, class? Well, always have a metal flask with you to stop the bullets. Also, always have a friend that has a toy factory shop with a secret lab/ basement full with guns. Then you can find parts for your secret weapon gun with which you will tranquilize your enemies. Finally, shave your moustache when you become a ninja, unless you are Chuck Norris. This movie is a great bad movie and it is not ashamed of itself. Really special about this production is the fact that it becomes the cliché of martial arts movies, then the parody of itself, and eventually a masterpiece, even without this being the intention. The scene in which the main opponent dies because he jumps on a burning car is the cherry of the cake. Even without a 30 minute fight scene in which the characters give everything from themselves and summon all the spirits, the movie is a delight.

Capellyana: If this isn't a cult movie, it is now. I would like to give it a prize. Shmentina rightly points out that the price should have something to do with the most ridiculous screen death we've witnessed recently, so I shall bestow upon it the innovative "Human Barbecue" prize.

Shmentina: Definitely recommend this movie! I also want to give it a prize. I guess we can start the “Half inch silver flask” award for the stunts.

Special Guest Pony: I recommend this movie. It has transcended the need to make sense in the best way possible. This movie does not make sense. This movie does not not make sense. It simply exists in a universe where no sense is required and that's OK.

Analogue (Archimedes): -16+69=>69