Microwave Massacre


Well, it was as stupid as they get, that's for sure.

What did we learn? That this is what microwaves do - they kill you if you have a pacemaker.

I'm pretty certain there's no way to mess with the wires of a microwave and make it so that it's a hazard for people with pacemakers - unless they're sitting in it.

And the stupid woman with the bun in her mouth - I can't believe she'd do nothing to get out of this closet. The guy literally goes to work while she's in there. If you're in her situation and you do nothing - now this is a waste of time; watching stupid movies isn't!

I would have liked to know more about the neighbour who was digging with a dildo. Her story was actually going somewhere?!

In conclusion: It gave us what it could in terms of stupidity. It just went full stupid. The elements were all there, just twisted in a sick way, not in a funny way.

Homework for somebody who's doing their filmology degree? Probably. Microwave Massacre is not a movie, it is a representation.


One of the worst movies of all time. It gets my seal of disapproval.

It has been a while since a movie made me wonder at it quite so much. A truly "wtf" experience without the entertainment value. Did anyone ever find these jokes funny? Did the writers find them funny? Who was this made by? A proto-incel man who hates women? A radical feminist woman who hates men? Who paid for it? Did they really think that's a good idea? Is it porn for married people who hate their spouses? Is the moral of the story that nice guys finish last and that, as soon as you become


arsehole who chops women up and puts them in their freezer, you become irresistible to women? Is there a genious deep meaning that I'm missing because I'm a stupid woman? Was this an experiment? Did a studio simply try it out to see what will happen? Was it the result of money laundering? Does a person get to that stage in their life where they hate their life so much that they actually find this funny?

Questions. I have many.

Recommended? No.

As not recommended as putting your money in your microwave to kill the COVID off it. Leave that one to the not-for-profit professionals.

Digital dumbometer #1: 40.

Digital dumbometer #2: {"lawful_good":0,"stupid_good":0,"chaotic_good":0,"lawful_stupid":0,"true_stupid":10,"chaotic_stupid":4,"lawful_evil":0,"stupid_evil":2,"chaotic_evil":1,"mystical":1}